CRUMBS in Basel

Okay the short version of updates just to get me back on track and all caught up.

Basel, Switzerland:
-kitchen fires and preventing them
-doing a show in an old brothel from the 1920's
-we did the show with Die Impronauten (and it involved cable cars)
-playing Boule on the banks of the Danube (which has better rules than Bocce)
-i cooked crepes
-i lived through an earthquake (see earlier post)
-i watched people clean their needles at a public fountain
-i helped give directions to a guy who was looking for heroin and i sent him after the guys i watched clean their needles
-i saw someone wearing a Winnipeg Jets shirt
-going to the top of Basel's tallest building and having a drink in the "bar rouge" (highlight is the bathroom, full window)

Basel, I will return to you and enjoy you once more.