Well, we did it.CRUMBS had its premiere in Toronto and people liked it.
The Catch 23 tournamentof Wonders was Wonderful, those folks all know what they're doing.
-awesome long form with a DJ (and an awesome DJ, Sasha rules yo)
-awesome kids show with Lucky and Matt (and awesome guests)
-awesome with becky and graham again (iron cobra was justin winnipeg)
-awesome hanging with julie (andcrashing in herliving room)
-awesome cabaret show of all good toronto comedy folks (very funny)
-awesome live cartoon improv with Atlanta's Dad's Garage (tech + improv = nice)
-awesome seeing noah and salazar again (years its been)
And yo suckers, CRUMBS brought it and took home the title. First ever tournament and CRUMBS stomped all over everybody (but in a niceway). Actually the last show was fuckinggreat. Calgary's peter and al were rockin' it johnston style when "bang" in came some west coast flava with noah and salazar. When the foam and smoke cleared, it was CRUMBS clutching the severed head of a Unicorn mounted on a plaque. (check out the catch23 website if this makes no sense.)
All in all, wicked awesome times in toronto. a couple days left before the euro portion. still another catch 23 show, a second city improv jam and more comedy to see.
time to leave the computer and find some food.