so someone (or someones) decided it would be really cool for their cause to blow some folks up in london.
furthering my hate of humans.
i have sent out my emails to the folks in london that i know (Q-base, olderslade, christine, chris john and jarred christmas). i hope that they are alright, probably they are because none of them would have been up that early (perhaps rob and christine?)
now london is used to the bomb thing (WWII & IRA) so you know that they weren't slacking in the "look out for strange packages" department. which just means that those idiots who did this had to really be pros.
furthering my hate of humans.
perhaps this hate of humans when increased leads one to think that blowing up innocent humans is a good idea to further your cause. i hope not, i would hate to become one of them bomb blower uppers.
it makes me sad, the world right now feels a little crazier then it always has been.
p.s. don't blow up people