CRUMBS in December
December isn't just about Xmas parties and New Year's Eve parties... it's also about improv and comedy parties. CRUMBS a some shows coming up and you will want to see them because, really, you haven't seen a real CRUMBS show in months!
CRUMBS does the Wed, Dec 30th show at the Park Theatre with H.U.N.K.S. sketch comedy. You will see the "best of 2015" sketches from H.U.N.K.S. and the "best of 2015" improv scenes from CRUMBS. Music by none other than DJ Hunnicutt!
Of course you can also catch CRUMBS on the radio on 101.5 UMFM every Monday at 5pm
Of course you catch live comedy and improv at various venues in the city every week...
Sundays at the Cavern
Mondays at the HUB
Tuesdays at the King's Head Pub
Wednesdays at Jekyll & Hyde's
Thursdays at handsome Daughter
CRUMBS in the New Year!
CRUMBS at the King's Head Pub on Thursday, Jan 7th
Of course you'll be looking forward to seeing the amazing Virtual CRUMBS show happening in... well in Berlin on Feb 4th. Some of the show happens in Winnipeg and then it's stuffed into small tubes and the digital information is sent to Berlin and projected live onstage at the Ratibortheater. A CRUMBS show that happens with the help of technology.