It is true, CRUMBS is set to actually do something. This is very exciting news for all of you who have been anticipating something (anything) to come out of the CRUMBS corner of the world. Fears had been mounting that CRUMBS had been killed by apathy (which is only partially true).
Now that this blog has been revived (hopefully blogging isn't dead yet, though it probably is dead, replaced by super-video-blog-stream-bit-torrent-sharing) perhaps people will read this and be informed.
I suppose I should get to the point huh?
CRUMBS will be performing again at the King's Head Pub over the winter as part of the "Half Pints Happy Hour". These shows will run weekly on Tuesdays at the King's Head Pub (120 King Street) starting at around 8 or 9 pm. The shows are free and will rotate between four kick ass shows. The shows are going to be as follows:
1st tuesday = stand-up
2nd tuesday = sketch/video
3rd tuesday = CRUMBS improv show awesomness
4th tuesday = solo comedy
The CRUMBS portion of these shows will of course rock the awesomes, but let me tell you a wee bit more. CRUMBS will do the duo freestyle comedy thing that have made them famous, but you should also be on the look out for some special guests. Sometimes the special guests will be local improv stars, sometimes the special guests will be international improv players in town to visit and sometimes the guests could be you... yeah, why not invite the audience up to give it a try?
Here are the actual dates to pay attention to:
SEPT 18th The Opening Show
OCT 16th The Thanksgiving Show
OCT 30th The Improv Festival/Halloween Show
NOV 20th The Middle of November Show
DEC 18th The X-Mas Show
JAN 15th The First Show of 2008
FEB 19th The Middle of February Show
MAR 18th The Last Show Before We Leave on Tour
Alright, now you have the scoop.