So CRUMBS is in the land of oil and money (Alberta for those not even reading the title).
We touched down from a plane ride that really could have crashed, to play some fun shows in Edmonton with our friends at Rapid Fire Theatre. We were "hired" as part of their Artist in Residency program (which rules). So really it means we do some shows, we do some workshops and hang out with our friends.
So if you are in Edmonton this weekend, it is the last chance to catch our shows with the world famous improv company Rapid Fire. Friday night at 11pm and Saturday night at 11pm both at the Varscona Theatre in Old Strathcona. The Friday night show is a theatresports show, the Saturday night show is a longform show (so choose your poison).
Oh yeah, one more thing, CRUMBS has been listed on the Urban Dictionary. So, we need all of you to go to the site and give the def. a thumbs up so that it becomes LAW!
(here is the link)