With the Holidays approaching so fast, you just know that they will pass just as quickly. There are some shows that bring us right up to the holidays, a show that helps us celebrate the holidays and then a couple shows after the holidays. It's like a whole holiday gift basket of shows. And let us not forget what the holidays are about... they are about not working, about avoiding the shopping malls, about eating a lot of food with your friends and family, they are about using the power of the mind to not even hear the death loop of jingles and carols that follow you everywhere.
Let's unwrap these gifts of laughter in a chronological order shall we?
Tuesday, Dec 16th (doors open at) 8PM
CRUMBS at the Good Will Social Club

CRUMBS usually performs on a Tuesday night at the King's Head for the Comedy Knights free laughs series, but we are taking a break from the King's Head for the Holidays (there's that word again). Instead of just not doing a show, we thought we would do an awesome show at an awesome new venue. And since the price of OIL is so low, we can now pass the savings down to you and do a little something we used to do back in the day... FIVE DOLLAR COMEDY!
Facebook Event LINK
Saturday, Dec 27th 8PM (sharp)
Outside Joke + CRUMBS = Secret Santa Improv

The two most prominent and distinguished improv companies in the city join forces and have a holiday party live onstage. This show will feature a Secret Santa game where each mystery gift is the inspiration for the improv scenes. The first have will be nice and the second half will be naughty. Come join us in celebrating not being at work, have a cup of cheer with us and cheer and laugh at the hilarity.
Get Your Tickets!
Facebook Event Page!
Tuesday, January 6th 2015
Tuesday, January 20th 2015
Comedy Knights returns to the King's Head on Tuesdays and CRUMBS returns to delivering your improv comedy theatre to you on a regular basis. Enjoy the warm and gentle insanity of CRUMBS + Dj Hunnicutt as they create instantly engaging shows. Every Tuesday at the King's Head there's a comedy show that rotates... sometimes it's improv... sometimes it's stand-up... all the times it's funny.
Saturday, January 17th 8PM
Theatre Projects Manitoba presents:
White Rabbit Red Rabbit

Stephen Sim takes part in this interesting play. Each night the play will feature a different actor, it has no director, and it has been produced all over the world. Come on the Sat, Jan 17th to see Stephen Sim of CRUMBS and improv fame perform in a legitimate theatre production. How could that not be interesting to see?
Theatre Projects Manitoba LINK
Article about the show in the Winnipeg Free Press
Don't forget things like:
CRUMBS on the radio every Monday at 5-6pm. Tune in to 101.5 UMFM or use the power of the online world to do it.
CRUMBS appearing on the Week Thus Far live taping of their very very last show ever at the Park Theatre on Dec 11th. They have been airing their TV show on ShawTV for 5 years and now it's coming to an end. Come and say goodbye.
All the other comedy and stand-up rooms in the city that happen. Sundays at the Cavern, Mondays at the HUB, Wednesdays at Jeckle & Hyde's... heck there might even be more!
If you really must give a gift... give the gift of laughter.