CRUMBS radio August 30th 2010

Hello and welcome to yet another post about another radio show involving another week of scoops that the mainstream media is reluctant to comment on. When we started this radio show way back in 2002 we never would have thought that we would be here in 2010. Mostly because we were absolutely sure the world was going to end in 2007, which it didn't. Enjoy the CRUMBS radio hour every single Monday at 5pm CST.

Download the podcast here.

listen online live here.

The show touched on such topics as:


Becky & Aitor visiting Winnipeg on their North American tour. Becky & Aitor are two amazing artists who spread their unique brand of love every year across Canada and the States. They tour the "craft fair" circuit and have enjoyed many a success with it. Becky produces world famous buttons and Aitor is known for his "unflattering portraits". If you ever get the chance, buy a button and get your picture drawn.


Lee's apartment building was on fire! Everything worked out in the ending, but people should be really careful when they smoke cigarettes.


The Sex Pistols have released a perfume. Yes, I am talking about the same Sex Pistols who have been famous for being a punk rock band in the 70's. It turns out they have decided to turn their backs on what it means to be punk and have thrown their gloves into the capitalist ring. But if we dig deep into the origin of the Sex Pistols we aren't really surprised to learn that they actually formed as a sort of commercial for a clothing store... So it isn't that crazy after all.


What is new to Manitoba? Jellyfish! We finally have them after so many years of being jellyfish free and being jealous of all the other countries who have this pesky little slime bag.


What is coming to Winnipeg? The Bodies exhibition. Ladies and Gentlemen, being someone who has actually seen this exhibit before, I can say that it is amazing. This is your chance to see what the inside of a human body looks like without going to jail or medical school (I hear that both can be quite unpleasant).


And of course, what Winnipeg radio show or blog would be complete without a mention of our sweet Mayor Sam Katz kicking ass, or in this case, kicking a small child in the face.


Thank you for reading/listening