Where Acting and Writing and Directing intersect, lies Improvisation. And it isn't done alone in a smoked filled coffee shop, though smoked filled coffee shops that have fueled so many angst filled poems of the past, are themselves a thing of the past now. It is not done in private alone for nobody to judge. Nor in a boardroom with a committee to steer it towards appeasement. No. It is done live in front of the very audience that is there to see it. It is the art form that births the art with everyone in the delivery room. There to see the sticky mess, there to see if the baby is a boy or a girl or stillborn, like the good old days. There are no rehearsals, no re-writes, no second takes, everything that happens is a part of the artwork. The audience gets it all, mistakes and all. And that is why I love it (and hate it).