CRUMBS in Marburg

So the next stop on our tour was Marburg, a cool little college town in Germany you have probably not even heard of.

Marurg show was good and tight. The story bounced between:

1-One man's search for the sandwich guru and his quest to make the perfect sandwich. The quest for perfect sandwich eventually happens (after the guru training the the young man in a suitable martial arts karate kid style.

2-The troubles between a husband and wife (the wife has dreams that come true, the problem is that she also dreams crazy things to do in the garden, like only plant cucumbers and build great cucumber statues). She eventually learned to include her husband in these crazy decisions.

3-Throw in a second set that makes fun of cops and difference between talking out your problems and just killing, and you have the show right there in your imagination head.

It sounds plain when i just explain it all, but i guess you are just going to have to trust me when I say the show was nice.

We also played with Fast Forward, our host improv group. Fun times.

Next stop: Vienna, Austria