CRUMBS turns 12? Really?
Well way back in the fall of 1997 three leftover members of the seminal Winnipeg comedy troupe "Higher Than The Ground" formed a little trio called CRUMBS. Now the group has had a couple people come and go, but the two core members of the duo within the trio have always been (and remain) Stephen Sim and Lee White. CRUMBS currently plays with master of soundtrack DJ Hunnicutt, which brings the legendary duo back to duo in a trio. Everything is right with the world again.
So are CRUMBS going to have some sort of show to celebrate?
Good question...
Yes indeed, CRUMBS presents:
CRUMBS the Dirty Dozen Show
Celebrate 12 years of making it up
Saturday, Nov 14th 2009
Gas Station Theatre
Doors open at 7:30pm
Show starts at 8:00pm
Tickets are $12 at the door
$10 for students
limited number of advanced tickets for $10 available at the King's Head during the Free Laughs Comedy series on Tuesday nights.
You can call for reservations at 284-9477
Thank you for reading about this, but now you must follow through...
and i don't just mean joining the facebook event page you actually have to go to the show and see it live.