When CRUMBS arrived in Bochum, Germany they/we were tired and tired and tired. Then we rested and we were ready to conquer. We had last been in Bochum 3-4 years earlier and so we needed to remind Bochum why we were there. That is exactly what we did.
Now Bochum is a strange town, it is in the middle of several towns. We slept in Dortmond yet we taught and played in Bochum... we could have just as easily been in Essen or in Dusseldorf. This little corner of Germany is filled with people, and now we filled it with laughs. Thank you Hottenlotten for bringing us back!
The show: suggestions were Lighthouse and Woodcutter.
First, the Canadian Woodcutter warns of the danger of the woods at night. (You know, the classic Canadian Woodcutter... lumber jacks... for some reason, Europeans love this cliches).

Second, we see the lighthouse keeper family. Mom is sick, and son wants to go to the fair instead of do lighthouse keeper duties.

The Woodcutter (Jim) gets a new partner (Philipe) and is also told to increase his quota (and possibly have to cut wood at night).

The Lighthouse keeper lets his son go to the fair with Suzy, but then has problems (of course) he cannot get the light to light because the power has been diverted to the fair.

We then see a couple of Germans (Hans & Gunter) on an Oil Tanker getting dangerously close to the coast.

The young boy wins Suzy a prize at the fair. They go up on the Ferris Wheel and they "do it"... not a bad day in the life of a young boy... but from the Ferris wheel they can see that the lighthouse isn't lit and that there is an oil tanker in the fog.
The Woodcutters have to fight Grizzly bears (another favourite cliches) and we find out that Grizzlies killed Jim's last partner. Jim dies while defending his new partner.

The Young boy and Suzy light the prize (a stuffed turtle) and the fire alerts the oil tanker to move. They save the day.

Two themes that kept returning...
Fog = Clouds = Heaven = Dance Party
We all miss the good old days.
Blogging the European tour is almost done. Be on the look out for the blog to then talk about the upcoming Winnipeg Fringe Festival and the ongoing CRUMBS radio show and the ongoing Free Laughs Comedy shows happening at the King's Head.